Wow! I can't believe how fast time flies! My little bub is 3 weeks old already! We have been having so much fun together. It's amazing how such a little person can bring so much joy to your life, and make so many other things in life seem so unimportant. I'll admit motherhood has been much busier than I thought! It's crazy how everyday it seems like by the time I'm finally ready, picked up my house, and maybe done a load of laundry if I'm lucky, it's time for bed! The little man definitely keeps me hopping, but I can't imagine a better way to spend the day! I only hope I can figure out how to fit work and school in there again!
Anyway, Korvin is growing and developing just fabulously. He was back up to his exact birth weight at his 2 week appointment, and everything looked perfect. He's also started sleeping pretty good, thanks to the advice of our fabulous pediatrician. The first two weeks he was waking up every 3 hours, and would sometimes eat for 1-1.5 hours! However, our doctor told us to make sure he is eating every 3 hours exactly during the day, and to cut down feeding time to 20-25 minutes, because apparently after that they are using up more calories than they're getting. So now after his bedtime feeding he'll sleep for about 6 hours, eat, then sleep for about another 4 before getting back on his "every 3 hours" schedule. It's really nice that he's actually eating so well now though. In the hospital, it was completely traumatizing trying to figure out nursing. We tried everything, and he would hardly eat. It wasn't until the day before we went home that one of the nurses noticed he was tongue tied. The poor little man couldn't lift his tongue at all, which was making it impossible for him to nurse. So the morning before we left our pediatrician clipped his tongue, and he's done wonderfully ever since. I've decided that nursing is way more time-consuming and exhausting than I ever thought it'd be, but I'm glad that he can actually do it now since I know it's the best thing for him.
I guess those are the latest updates! Not that anyone wanted to know all that, but I like to keep a record for myself. :0) So for the fun part! Here are a few more pics of our little guy during these past 3 weeks!
Napping with Grandpa
Ready for the 24th of July!
Meeting Great Grandpa Thorn
Rocking with Nanna at the cabin
Snuggling with Grandpa Thorn
Oh he is just so cute Ash! I'm so glad that you are enjoying motherhood. Even though it's so hard and busy it truly is the best thing ever! I'm glad you are getting some more sleep, that does help so much. Keep up the good work mommy :) I miss you! Hopefully we are moving back to Utah sometime this coming spring, if all goes as planned. Then I would love to come and see you and hang out again.
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