I'm finally updating! So sorry I fell off the blog wagon for awhile. I'm telling ya, you can't let yourself get behind or else it just gets too overwhelming, yet the photos keep piling up! So, besides the usual work & school, here's finally a sneak peak of what we've been up to this summer:
For the 4th we went to Logan to celebrate Chris's birthday & to watch Cruisin'! Too bad this will probably be our last year, because Shelbie & Chris will be moving soon. Now where am I going to find my favorite drink...the Texas Twister?! Anyway, we had lot's of fun seeing all of the cool cars, eating birthday cake, and just hanging out!
I threw two showers...each a week apart. Am I crazy? Probably. Did I go overboard? Yes...but it was so fun I couldn't help it! Was it worth it? Totally!!! First I had a baby shower for my friend, Amy, who is due in September. I can't wait to meet baby girl Shinsel! Then, I was nominated to give my sister's Bachelorette Shower-lucky me! It was a total riot! 40 giggling girls playing scandalous games & opening naughty gifts is priceless! I wish I got a pic of the food table & candy table after they were finished, because we filled them with chocolate covered strawberries, cupcakes, and catered Cafe Rio! Needless to say, I think I gained 20 lbs. in one sitting. But it was super fun...I just have to force myself not to think about what the whole shindig was for! My sweet, innocent, little Mads! Ahh!
What would summer be without a trip to St. George? We went down there for the 24th to swim, golf, eat, see Tarzan at Tuacahn, and relax! I know we took more pics than this...perhaps I'll have to add them later. But it's always fun going to one of my favorite places!
Other than that, we've been...
Chillin' at the cabin...
Doing yard work...(well, that's mostly Brady! :0) )
Finishing our basement so Madi & Mike can move in...
And getting ready for Madi's wedding!

I can't believe my baby sister is just 2 weeks away from tying the knot! I'm happy for her, but it kind of makes me sad at the same time! When did we all get so old?! Anyway, that's it for now. Hopefully it's not another two months before I blog again! But like I always say, I LOVE looking at everyone else's cute blogs...so none of you follow my bad example!!!
Looks like you guys have been BUSY!! So much fun though! I just have to say that I am in LOVE with the bachelorette party stuff! Those are the colors of Zurie's room & I have to ask you where got those things that you hung from the ceiling? I have been looking for something like that to hang in one of the corners of her room over her toy box! Anyway let me know (if you don't mind!) where you got them! Hope you have an awesome remainder of the summer! :)
You've been busy! Plus, I feel like such a bad friend because I don't remember the last time we talked on the phone. I miss you and our chats we used to have. I hope I can move back to Utah someday so we can hang out more and you can meet Molly. Hopefully we can talk soon!
Good long update! Hopefully we can make it to the wedding. Cute showers/bachelorette party!
Dang - you sure have been BU-SAY!!! That's what makes summer so much fun though, huh? I'm so happy to see you guys taking FULL advantage of the season of fun!! That's so neat Madi is gonna be moving in with you guys. I love how close you two are! I'm sure Brady will love the fact that there will be another woman around when you get those late night Darcy cravings :) haha
Oh, it's horrible what we do to these men with our P&P obsessions isn't it?
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